Production & Consumption
U.S. copper mine production in 2002 dropped to 2,516 million pounds from 2001's 2,954 million pounds.The 2002 level of 7,313 million pounds is a 6.0% decrease from the revised 2001 level of 7,780 million pounds. Exports of mill products in 2002 continued to decline also, down 7.1% at 735 million pounds versus imports of 909 million pounds, a decrease of 10.0% from 2001 levels. Building construction continued to be the largest end-use market for copper products, accounting for more than two-fifths, 46.3% (3,384 million pounds), of total U.S. consumption. Other end-use markets:
Electrical and electronic products - 22.7%
(1,662 million pounds)
Transportation equipment - 10.2%
(744 million pounds)
Consumer and general products - 10.9%
(798 million pounds)
Industrial machinery and equipment - 9.9%
(725 million pounds)
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